The Witches Chronicles 1

The cave was dark, full of cobwebs and bats. The only light came from the smoldering fire with a large pot placed atop. Black thick liquid bubbled to and fro inside the pot. Various screeches and screams came from the pot. Occasionally, spiders and cockroaches would flitter and skiiter all around the pot without getting…

Getting Revenge on Your Siblings

I’ve met some friends who are quiet, reserved and never raise their voice no matter what. When I met their family, I discovered they were all the same: quiet and reserved. Me I don’t know what planet they came from because in my world, which happens to be the real world, families are not quiet….

His Confession 3

Trap!!! It was a trap!!!! How is it possible that of all the people in the world, Dumebi’s cousin, the only cousin that had come to visit her in the hospital, turned out to be Peter, the guy who hired Kunle some time ago to rob his boss’ house. Now he was trapped, caught between…

His Confessions 2

“They’ll never know peace……their generation is cursed….” “Amen!!!” “May their manhood shrivel up and dry…” “Amen!!!!” “May they never feel the joy of carrying a new born baby in their arms…….” “Amen!!!!!!!!!” “May they never watch their children grow up…..” “Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The door opened and the doctor walked in, bringing relief to Kunle. ‘Good. Maybe…

Life of the Nigerian Unemployed

Long queues, CVs and letters of applications, job sites, networking, eternal hopes and prayers, connections and lack thereof, taxi hopping, interview seeking, red tapes and bureaucracy, and the worst of all, trying to describe yourself in fun glowing terms so a potential employer can like you.   Let’s not forget the hope of being an…

The Wedding Guest

The wedding was in full swing when I arrived. The DJ was pounding the speakers into pulp, not letting anyone think, much less speak. The couple were dancing on the floor, crowd of well wishers dancing along with them while others sprayed money in the air. I quickly spotted an empty seat in the middle…

The Trouble With Going Home

  The light drizzles disturbed her face. She angrily swiped at the droplets on her eyes, mixing the tears with the rain showers. A bus conductor stood close by, hollering ‘along along’ at the top of his lungs. She knew if she looked straight into his mouth, she would see his lung sac swaying to…