Your Baby by Emmy Onwe

The day she broke up with you, she said, “There are things I used to feel that I no longer feel.”

But it wasn’t just her. You felt the same as well.

There were emotions you wanted to hold in the palm of your hands that had deserted you. Perhaps it could be likened to how a mother wakes up one day to find that her once tiny child was now an adult who hardly needed her anymore. Like that proverbial mother, you’d woken up to a strange new reality – conversations now seemed forced, her usually vibrant laugh now seemed restrained.

Before she left that day, she lingered for a moment at the door front, gently fingering the door knob as though contemplating something. You could have told her to stay and she would have. But you didn’t. You watched your baby leave.

Onwe Emmanuel is a student of political science/philosophy at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is an avid lover of Literature, music, film and a strong believer in the power of storytelling to change the world.

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